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GLAAD Defends Lady Gaga 'Glee' Against Antigay Critics (Exclusive)

The group's president tells THR that people who oppose same-sex relationships are "out of touch."

The group's president tells THR that people who oppose same-sex relationships are "out of touch."

GLAAD is defending the 90-minute Glee episode this week after a critic slammed it as creator "Ryan Murphy's latest depraved initiative to promote his gay agenda."

"Fair-minded Americans are tuning in by the millions to inclusive shows like Glee and Modern Family because they don’t care whether someone is straight or gay – what they care about is seeing characters and stories they can relate to," GLAAD president Jarrett Barrios tells The Hollywood Reporter in an exclusive statement.  

"Most Americans today support full equality for their gay and lesbian friends, family and neighbors," he adds. "That anti-gay critics continue to be out-of-touch with the majority and can’t see that fact is no surprise."

Conservative media critic Dan Gainor, who is vice president for business and culture at the Media Research Center, fumed that fictional McKinley High is the "gayest high school in the history of mankind."

"This is clearly Ryan Murphy's vision of what growing up should be, not most of America's," Gainor went on. "It's a high school most parents would not want to send their kids too."

This isn't the first time Gainor has been critical of the show. Last fall, he called the Fox hit a "a disgusting gay teen sex romp" after an episode aired in which Naya Rivera (Santana) and Heather Morris (Brittany) make out.

Former Saturday Night Live comic Victoria Jackson is also against the show, calling an episode in which Chris Colfer (Kurt) has his first kiss "sickening."

"Besides shoving the gay thing down our throats, they made a mockery of Christians - again! I wonder what their agenda is? Hey, producers of Glee - what's your agenda? One-way tolerance?" she fumed on her WorldNetDaily blog.

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